“Best On Earth”


“Best On Earth”


Recognize the unique contributions that the employees of the motor grader manufacturing facility in Goderich, Ontario have made to their industry as they prepare for the plant’s closure after 100 years of industry leadership.


Capture the enduring legacy of product innovations and service values that made Goderich “the grader capital of the world” through several generations of ownership changes and brand identities.


“The Best On Earth” booklet, 2 DVDs, poster and newspaper ad


Employees recognized “The Best On Earth” theme as a look back at a highly popular product marketing program from pre-Volvo days, that now stood as a proud comment on the people behind the product. The booklet and DVDs gave employees a highly visual keepsake of archival photos and artifacts highlighting their many achievements in the evolution of motor graders from earliest times to today. To personalize a souvenir poster, the signature of every current employee was collected and integrated into the artwork.

MEA AwardSCA AwardCWA AwardAs a farewell “thank you” to Goderich, Volvo also commissioned a full-page ad in the local newspaper, acknowledging the city as a whole as a valued part of the industry. In the end, Volvo noted how factory staff continued to take pride in building on their record of continuous improvement right up to the final day of production.

Click here for a PDF version of this project

This program was selected for: 1) a Marketing Effectiveness Award by the Summit International Awards group in the corporate image category; 2) a Summit Creative Award by the Summit International Awards group in the PR event category; and 3) selected by the Construction Writers Association as a winner in the PR category.

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