“Grab & Go” Tower Magnets Announcement


“Grab & Go” Tower Magnets Announcement


Raise customer interest in a new series of “tower” lifting magnets for use with scrap handling grapples.


Distribute a news announcement to recycling publishers to position the tower magnets as an extension of the popular existing lines of Winkle scrap magnets.


GRAB AND GO: Winkle Industries adds a tower of productivity for its line of lifting magnets


As Winkle has rapidly diversified the scope of its custom products and services in recent years, the sales team members who represent Winkle to steel mills and recycling yards are hard‑pressed to devote a focused effort to new additions to its standard material handling devices and attachments product line.

The special purpose tower magnets, designed for a relatively small niche application, had attracted little attention from the sales force or customers, and the result was reflected in slow sales. A simple product story released to several trade magazines focused on the convenience of the tower design and also highlighted how customers could get additional value from the device by adding the tower attachment to any existing magnets in their fleet.

The story’s appearance in several journals quickly led to numerous customer enquiries to Winkle as well as customers asking their local agent representatives for information. With these immediate sales, the tower magnets proved they were a viable addition to the product line-up. The sales representatives also learned that introducing the new product to customers would often lead to consequential sales of additional aftermarket products, raising the total value of each sales call.

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