Huron Branding

Huron Commodities Inc.



To establish a clear brand identity for the next generation of Huron leadership that builds on the personal brand values represented by the founder of the company.


Simplify the HURON name to differentiate from agricultural “commodity” brokers and to communicate Huron’s focus on specialized crop solutions for growers and buyers.


HURON logo and iconography to capture Huron’s role in key crop solutions


The new logo design dispenses with the “commodities” label from the business identity, and depicts how Huron serves as a bridge between specialty growers and the agricultural processors throughout the farm-to-food and farm-to-feed supply chains. A new tagline brings focus to Huron’s particular expertise in soybeans, forages and custom-sourced crops.

As well as defining Huron’s core values in the marketplace, the management team notes that the published brand guide also helps to introduce new employees to Huron’s unique positioning in Canada’s agricultural services.

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