Make content marketing your priority

Content Marketing InfographicsImagine that you’ve just bought a new car. As you drive it off the dealership lot, inhaling that infamous new-car smell, your car starts shedding hundreds of dollars in value. It’s depreciating.

The same is true of your new website. As soon as you launch a website, it starts to depreciate. The content begins getting stale. The design starts to look outdated. The contacts and product listings and staff profiles lose their correlation to the real world, and customers lose interest because there’s nothing new.

What’s the solution?

In the case of the new website, the solution is a content marketing strategy. In fact what you need is not just a strategy, but a monthly editorial calendar created by a team of content specialists who know your business. It starts with a meeting of the minds between subject matter experts in your business and creative, content strategists who may also work in your business, but who may be part of an agency. It ends with a regular stream of photos, videos, social media posts and articles that attract customers for their own merit and leverage your investment in a new website.

What we’ve noticed at Marketing Strategies & Solutions is that our research for a Google Adwords program can help us find the questions that customers are asking. People may be searching for information that you can provide. Generating that content in a search-engine-friendly, socially sharable way is key to getting their attention.

With each new piece of relevant, targeted content that you add, your website appreciates in value in three ways:

  1. Improved SEO
  2. Boost in brand value
  3. Engaged customers

Of course, you will still have to maintain your website, but with consistent, quality content, the value of your website will continue to appreciate. Before you know it, that Kia in the driveway will look more like a Ferrari!

Let Marketing Strategies & Solutions show you how to make Content Marketing your priority. Please download our White Paper – Part I. Part II.

We look forward to having a conversation with you on how we can help you achieve your goals. Contact us today.

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