Patty Crawford to Chair 34th Edition of “The Meal” for Diabetes Research

Patty Crawford, new Chair The Meal 2016

Patty Crawford, new Chair The Meal 2016

London, ON – The planning and organization of London’s longest running and most successful fundraising dinner will be led by Patty Crawford, Chairman of the Board of the Crawford & Danyluk Insurance Brokerage Group.

Crawford’s appointment as Chair of The Meal Committee for the London & District Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association was announced by Chair Emeritus, Bill Brady, the local icon of media and community service.

The annual event originated in 1983 when a group of Chefs at the London Hilton, led by Executive Chef Todd Pylypiw of the London Hilton, approached Brady with their idea for adding a unique event to London’s social calendar. Since then, The Meal has raised more than $1.6 million to support diabetes research.

Patty Crawford has been an active member of The Meal Committee for 20 years. The 34th serving of The Meal will be hosted again at the Hilton with Chef Todd, taking place on Sunday, May 1, 2016.

For more information on The Meal, please contact Patty Crawford at

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